Friday, October 9, 2009

Yellow Blurry Lines

It's been way to long since I last wrote, but alas, I finally remembered to be inspired to take some time away from life's little nuances.

As I drove home from picking up the kids today, I noticed that traffic was unusually slow in one area. Assuming it was because of the four foot wide dimple holes or the six inch high raised and cracked streets, I didn't think too much about it. However, when I finally got to the main area down the street, I noticed the big yellow arrow telling all the drivers in the right lane to merge with the left lane. Again, I was curious, but let my lingering thoughts and kids' conversation take over my mind. It wasn't until I drove past the arrow that I saw three men walking along side a machine making yellow lines down the middle of the road that I was taken aback.

I was a little upset to say the least. How can the City of New Orleans waste the tax payer money with man hours and yellow blurry lines in the street when the potholes, dimples, and raised asphalt are in dire need of repair? How can they lose sight of the bigger issue that causes accidents; in lieu of the minor cosmetic changes being made? Yes, there were existing blurry lines which drivers saw, or inadvertently knew were there, regardless of the painted yellow lines now being made.

Immediately, my common sense ceased my thoughts and I had to realize that as a parent, I can be like the City! I can lose sight of the many wonderful things I desire to do with my children because of my focus on their immediate behavior lapses or even my own issues. I focus on the now instead of the bigger picture of the future. I choose to forsake what I truly desire to see happen in an effort to quell the concerns of now.

How many of us out there can admit to losing sight of what's important in the lives of our families? I stand up first and admit that I've taken my eyes off of the prize and settled for something that is more tangible that I can touch and feel. It is not necessarily wrong, but it is something that I know I have compromised upon. However, I make a stance right here and now to not compromise on my goals, visions, and dreams for my family. I vow to keep my eyes focused on building a great future through making memories. I will not look at one test with a poor grade and yell at my child. I will not yell for not jumping to attention the moment I request it. I will focus on character building traits that will ultimately help my children to be responsible, compassionate, helpful, resourceful people who always strive to do their best in every situation. In essence, I will fix the streets first (keep my eyes on the bigger prize) and not make yellow lines instead (immediate concerns of now)!

Until next time, ponder that thought, laugh out loud and love on your family today.


  1. This was great and it's just so necessary to be reminded of what you said!!

    Thanks for sharing!! Hey, when are YOU going to come and speak at Mom Builders?? :)

  2. Hey. I found your blog on Babyfit and I really, really enjoyed this post- it is something I hope to keep in mind when I become a mom and it was very inspiring.

    Thank you for the great reminder. :)
