Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Who's Your Icon?

A few weeks ago, I wrote an enthralling piece of literature about the death of Michael Jackson. Sadly, blogger had issues that day and I lost it all. Here is my attempt at recreating it with the intent on the time.

I do not mourn the deaths of most “icons” or “stars” as we have deemed them. I mourn the reflection of memories that were created while listening to the songs. I remember and think of how cross generational and influential music and particularly MJ’s music was in my family’s lives. I can think of my siblings, my mother, and my grandmother all watching the same music performance, listenting to the same songs, and buying the same albums. Not since the era of “Motown” or similar music label has there been such cross generational music that can pull all family members in the same way.

I agree that some folks have taken it too far with being so involved in the lives of “stars” as though they are personal friends, however, I think it sad that a whole generation of people are missing out on a potentially bonding experience through quality music and family bonding time.

Who have you made an icon in your life? Do your children look up to you the same way you look up to Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, J-Lo, or Adam Lambert? What about Beyonce, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Chris Brown Lil' Wayne or the like? Who are we showing our children that they should be like? Are we taking the time to separate the icon from the person, or do we show who we are by the people we as adults idolize?

Why not make a concerted effort today to not idolize a figure or a person, regardless of arena (television, movie, preacher, singer, etc). Instead, let's work to emblazon characteristics that matter and will sustain all of us both presently and in the future. Characteristics like: love; finding joy in every situation; being a helper to others; charity; learning to laugh; being honest and trustworth; and being diligent in all that we do. There are undoubtedly more that can be taught, so consider this list a starter, and not all encompassing. The point is that we have to enjoy our children and position them to be a person of character for today and in the future. A person of character will be carried beyond "icon" status and make a difference in the lives of many.

That’s just my 2 cents!

Laugh out loud and enjoy your children today!

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