Monday, April 20, 2009

Little Blue Socks

I went about the day as normal doing the things that needed to get done. You know, laundry, making meals, cleaning, playing with the kids, weaning off the bottle to the cup, grocery shopping, and all the other things I can't remember right now. Well, as things would have it, I walked into the bedroom, got ready for a shower and brushed my teeth. Just before I stepped into the shower, I opened my closet door wondering why it was closed in the first place. I looked into my closet to make sure my dress had not fallen down and was ready for church on Sunday morning. All of a sudden, I am met with two racks of shoes spread out all over the closet floor. Irritated, I got in the shower and wondered why in the world the bedroom was left opened and why one of the children got into the closet and started playing with my shoes. I initially thought, maybe it was just Ella and now I was going to have to clean it all up. I can't be angry with a little 21 month old, now can I?

As the water ran down and I bathed and relaxed, I forget about the shoes and what awaited me after I got out. So, I got out of the shower and prepared myself for bed. Just as I did, I walked past the closet and realized that I still needed to clean up the shoes. I grumbled about having to always clean up after the kids, until I saw something that stopped me in my tracks. I saw 2 tiny little blue socks underneath a pair of shoes. At first, my suspicion of Ella as the culprit was confirmed. But then, I picked up the socks, sat on the floor of the closet and just smiled a large toothy grin and yelled to James, "I guess Ella loves my shoes!"

It was funny because in the midst of the mess and clean up, all I could picture was the love in her eyes and joy in her heart as she pulled one pair and then another pair off the rack. I can see her standing up and walking around with her hands out as she pretends to be mommy! I am reminded of having done the same thing with my mother's shoes! All I can see is her clicking around on the floor and trying to shake her little hips as she dances and sings her little heart out.

In my enjoying being a mom, I look at any mess now and think of little blue socks. I smile and realize that nothing is as big of a mess as I may think. Little blue socks mean love of a child for a parent and a parent's joy at seeing their child or children want to be like them and love on them!

Take the time to enjoy your child and see the little blue socks laying on the floor!

Laugh Out Loud and Enjoy your child today!


  1. Okay... love this! I sat in tears thinking of my sweet Riley... who will be 2 this Friday... b/c she does the SAME THING!!!!!!!!!

    Can I read it at Mom Builders May 1st?

    Blessings to you sweet Dorothy~

  2. What an adorable story. I hope you continue to capture stories of love and valuable lessons like this one!

  3. Liz, absolutely and Nilsa, thanks a bunch. This is really meant to be an encouragement and just a good time remembering the kids while they are "young" (relatively speaking)! LOL
